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Contact the Victorian Ombudsman [DETAILS COMING SOON]


Contact the Media [DETAILS COMING SOON]


Have conversations with others in the community [DETAILS COMING SOON]

Demand rigorous investigations
​into all aspects of this project, including


  • Safety of proposed MRPV design, what studies have been undertaken, and who remains accountable if there is an increase in accidents?

  • Traffic forecasting for this project appears to be flawed, raising questions about the business case for the project. Forecasts that are consistent with the North East Link must be used.

  • Governance and transparency, including why most documents and related information are withheld from the public, and requests for such information are being impeded.

  •  Environmental Management Strategy and relevant EPBC referrals must be completed satisfactorily and available to the public

  • Financial management and accountability - why spend this much money on a roundabout when the North-East Link will solve most problems for the foreseeable future?

  • Community consultation was poorly managed - better efforts are needed now and into the future

  • Viable alternatives such as those already presented by experienced engineers should be developed using accurate modelling, safety considerations, and sustainability measures.


All of us!

Don't worry if you've never done any of this before . . .

it's easier than it seems, with details for 'how to'.

If you have questions or suggestions, please email us! 



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